• 2018-05-09: The website of the workshop is launched.
  • 2018-10-12: The program of the workshop is announced.
  • 2018-11-12: We posted some photos from the workshop in our Photogallery


This years 20th anniversary RAGtime workshop will take place at the Silesian University in Opava, Czech Republic on October 15-19, 2018. 

The scientific focus of the workshop will traditionally be devoted mainly to problems of relativistic physics of black holes and neutron or quark stars. Large attention will be given to confronting theoretical models with up-to-date observations available through both electromagnetic and gravitational wave window to the Universe. Current issues in accretion theory will be explored.

We will furthermore attempt to address problems related to cosmology, mathematical aspects of the theory of relativity, and alternative theories of gravity. Last but not least, special attention will be put on national and international collaboration regarding the present and future cosmic X-ray missions.


  The workshop will include a special public lecture "How to search for Alien Civilizations in the Galaxy? " given by professor Marek Abramowicz  on Tuesday, October 16, 2018.



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